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Not Currently Scheduled.About the Show
- THE PROGRAM “GENO MOCHWERE.”The Program “Geno Mochwere” is one of the vibrant radio shows in King’s FM, aired in Luo dialect, starting from 1 to 4PM daily.
Geno Mochwere, can be loosely translated to mean “Everlasting Hope” which of course is the key obligation of the show which is hosted the vibrant Erick Omollo, kwon by many followers as “Wuod Kanyamwa, ma ok wach dhoo mmwa”.Would Kanyamwa brings in a wealth of experience to this show which is entirely
aimed at rejuvenating the hope of the Children God of as they journey Home. This program features a series of well-nourished content worth writing home about.
Among the wonderful hope motivating content that Erick brings on board includes, but limited to the following;
1. Dipo Ka wiyi Owil 2. Cham Kalatas
3. Ligangla Mar Yalao 4. Telo Ma Nimba5. Dak Makare
6. Kaka Ondike
7. Miyumo mar Odira
8. Ma Sako It.
9. Powerful sermons.
10. Wonderful music of praise
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